Friday, May 18, 2012

Are Evil Spirits Real?
Yes, of course they're real.
I find it amazing how many people believe in God yet don't believe in the devil or evil spirits.
When I gave my heart to the Lord, it was just a matter of a month or so that the devil became a reality to me.
Why is this? Because when Jesus came into my life the first thing that happened, was that I began to notice the difference in things that are meant for good, and things that are meant for evil.
The first song I wrote was called, Praise Be To You Jesus, which was written right after I was born again, and I could see the things that God was doing in my life. The blessings were flowing, and there is a certain relief to turning your life over to Jesus. However, the second song I wrote a month later, was called, The Devil Made a Liar Out of Me. I was beginning to have insight as to the evil forces around me and how they operate, and let me tell you, it was scary. I had to rename the song to "When Jesus Came Inside," because people would look at me weird.

The Good News
The good news is, when you become born again, you can have access to the power to fight these evil forces. If you are not born again, you have zero power. Suppose someone does something to upset you. How do you react to it? God's Word says that our fight is not with flesh and blood (people), it's with principalities and powers (evil spirits). That means there are evil spirits, and that they can motivate people to do bad things.

The Battle of the Mind
How do these evil spirits work? The battle is always in the mind. Thoughts. That's how they get to you, by your thoughts. That's why it's important to feed on God's Word everyday, so you can learn how to discern your thoughts. Then when a thought comes to you that seems kind of off the wall, analyze it. Is this a God kind of thought, or from an evil spirit? Does it glorify God or the devil?

Does it Glorify God?
If it doesn't glorify God, dismiss it. For instance: Say you're in a shopping mall looking at stuff, and all of a sudden this thought enters your mind, like, Just slip it in your pocket, no one will notice. I would then catch that thought, and think to myself, Wow, where did that thought come from? Obviously a thought like this did not come from God because it would not glorify Him for you to steal something. And the chances are, that the devil has already made arrangements for you to get caught anyway.

How do evil spirits work?
Here's the orders for the evil spirits from the top honcho himself, Satan. Kill, steal and destroy. That's what they do. How much you let them manipulate your life is up to you, because you have the power of choice. What do they feed off of? The words of your mouth. What you say or speak. If you are speaking death, fear, and destruction in your life. Guess what, your planting seeds for bad things to happen in the future. So, watch what you say, so you don't give the evil spirits any ammunition to use against you.

The Father of Liars
Jesus called Satan a liar and the father of all lies. Look what happened when the devil approached Jesus in the Garden. Be gone, Satan, Jesus said. We need to do the same thing Jesus did, say, Begone Satan, you are a liar! Satan knew Jesus was going to be crucified, and tried to talk Him out of it by lying to Him. What Satan did not know, is that the plan of the crucifixion was to strip Satan of all his power.
The bible also calls Satan an angel of light. What does that mean? It means that even if something appears to be good in all aspects of it, yet in the end doesn't glorify God, then it's from the devil disguising himself as an angel. This is where the gift of discernment comes in.


The Purpose of Angels (God's Angels)

What is the purpose of angels? Do angels exist?

I was raised in a religion that told us that every baby that is born, has a guardian angel assigned to it.

Over the years this kind of teaching faded from memory, and I didn't really think about angels until usually Christmas time, and didn't have any notion of what the value of having an angel assigned to me for my entire life was.

What they don't tell you is the purpose of this guardian angel. Is it to keep you from harm?

From my experience, I would say, yes. I find it amazing that I am still alive after some close calls in my life. But sometimes things happen and you wonder where this guardian angel is at!

Purpose of a Guardian Angel

But protecting you is not the only purpose of a guardian angel, and yes, I do believe every has one. The first purpose of a guardian angel is to arrange things so that in some way you are informed of Jesus and how to be born again. Whether it takes them pushing you on the street to meet someone, leading you to a church, or making it so that a born again Christian comes across your path to witness to you, etc. The reason for this is because your spirit man, inside of you, needs to be awakened.

If you have not received Jesus as Lord of your life, and given control of your life to Jesus, then your spirit man is still dead. Once you have received Jesus, you become alive, like a new born baby. The heavenly Father becomes a reality in your life, and is a part of your life like never before. You depend entirely upon Him to straighten out all your messes. See the Born again FAQ

Secret Agents

Back to the angels. Angels are like secret agents working in our behalf. God's angels move in response to His Word being spoken, words coming from our lips. They are "working" angels, they don't just follow you around because they have nothing else to do. They follow you around waiting for you "to tell them what to do." But things they do can only be done from a spiritual perspective. Like, they're not going to move your furniture for you.

Put Your Angel to Work

Here's an example of how to put your angel to work. Suppose you are having trouble with your finances. You need money to pay a bill that popped up. First you pray to the Father for the extra income to pay this bill (ask and you shall receive) but, you have to release the angels to "go, and cause it to come." Do you do that? I'll bet you didn't know that! Maybe you are praying for a soldier overseas? Release the angels to go protect them! Sending your children off to school? Send the angels with them! Are you believing God for money for a mission trip? Send the the angels to go and cause the money to come. Also see Faith Confessions

Warrior Angels

The more you "dive" into the Word of God, the more you will see the value of angels. They do your spiritual fighting for you. Are you afraid to go witnessing? A child of God that heads into the the mission field to witness, say even door to door, gets assigned a special angel. They get assigned a "warrior" angel.

I've been on the mission field and have not actually seen these warrior angels, but once I actually felt their presence. I don't want to say I saw a ghost, but in the spirit realm, I did see my own warrior angel. And let me tell you, they're not like those cute little angels they have a Christmas, they are huge and they are powerful! When you are fighting principalities and powers, you need these warrior angels to fight for you and protect you.

Read more about Ministering Angels

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is, the angels do exist and they are here for you. They are waiting "on you" to tell them what to do. Do you have to be a born again spirit filled person for the angels to work for you? Possibly, otherwise, why would their first purpose, when it comes to you, be to lead you to Christ? How else would you believe? Want to be born again? Take the Spiritual Questionaire first


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